dimarts, de novembre 21, 2006

Are you talking to me??!!!

"And now, something completely different....
a man with three buttocks"

Hello, international caseters!!!

There are many funny things to say to Joseph...

...when he asks about any personal affair: "it's said the sin, but not the sinner one" / (es diu el pecat però no el pecaor)

...when he gets drunk: "you go as a float" / (vas com un suro)

...when he wears elegant clothes: "you're more fashionable than Pricks Saddlebags" / (Vas més mudat que Pica Sàries)

...when he moves to somewhere: "you'll spin more than Piquer's trunk" / (Rodaràs més que el bagul de la Piquer)

...when he gets rude: "go to knead mud" / (Ves-te'n a pastar fang)
